Temporary changes to obtain a key

As of 11/19/2020, the BOD voted to Temporarily put in place the following steps for Associate members to obtain their key:

  1. Attend board meeting to join.

  2. Attend New Member orientation

  3. Participate in 6 organized shooting activities, demonstrating safe gun handling. The organizer of the activity needs to be able to determine that the applicant is safe and understands safe gun handling.

  4. Attend board/membership meeting for key vote.


DSPC & Covid-19

DSPC for now is open.

On behalf of the Board, members, and guests using our club, if you are sick or not feeling well – STAY HOME. If you are a member who can bring guests, if either party is not feeling well please do not use the club. There will be plenty of time to shoot later.

If you are elderly, care for the elderly, or regularly visit the elderly – you are encouraged to stay out of the club.

Also be advised our regularly scheduled activities are run by VOLUNTEERS. (I want to thank them for their time and service to the club) Activities may be canceled at any time with or without notice.  We will do our best to keep the calendar updated.

Stay healthy and well. Be safe.


DSPC will be hosting a NRA Women On Target Clinic on 11/2/19

WOT logo

Where: Delaware State Pistol Club, 624 Moores Ln, New Castle, DE 19720
When: Saturday, November 2, 2019, sign-in begins at 8:30 a.m.

8:30-9:00 a.m.  Sign-in
9:00-12:00 noon  Classroom instruction presented by NRA Certified instructors
12:00 noon – 1:00  Lunch
1:00 – 4:00pm  Range time

Cost: $40.00 (pre-registration required). Cost includes use of firearms, targets, ammunition, and lunch.  Seating is limited to 20.

Note: Registration fees for cancellations after October 25 will be non-refundable. Free goody bags for all registrants.

Contact: Thelma Marshall  via email at women_on_target@dspclub.orgThis contact is for Women On Target Clinic ONLY.  For information about the club email president@dspclub.org

Online registration at https://www.nrainstructors.org/CourseDetails.aspx?Courseid=547986&seats=20&State=n&zip=19804&radius=25.1&id=73&bsa=&youth=&women=Y or registration form available at www.dspclub.org/wot send advanced registration and check (payable to DSPC) before October 26, 2019, to:

Attn: NRA Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinic
25 Kings St
Pennsville, NJ 08070