Ask if they will sponsor you.  If they will, give them your NRA Number.  Ask them to Login to the Members Only site, click on the “Membership” menu item, select “Sponsor Key Holding Applicant” and enter your NRA Number in the provided form.  Once they do this their sponsorship of your Membership will automatically populate your application form.

In need of more assistance? Contact us: [email protected] or (302) 328-6836.


When prompted, in the Username or Email Address field, enter your NRA Number (username) or email address. The default password is the last 4 digits of your NRA Number.

In need of more assistance? Contact us: [email protected] or (302) 328-6836.

Login than hover your mouse over the “Howdy” message in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Click on “Edit My Profile” when the menu appears. On the Profile screen near the bottom as a Password area where you can set your password to any value you desire. Save your changes.

In need of more assistance? Contact us: [email protected] or (302) 328-6836.

On the login screen click on the “Lost your password” link and follow the prompts.

In need of more assistance? Contact us: [email protected] or (302) 328-6836.

Posting is limited to administrators for public and private club updates. The site is intended as an informational resource for members and nonmembers as opposed to a public or club forum.

Log in using your club username and password then visit:

Fill out the physical application form in its entirety, submit to the board and a club representative will be in touch.

Proposal for New Key Holder Application Process:

  1. Applicate prints the Key Holding Application from the online source
  2. Applicate contacts the Membership Secretary to get join date, GM meetings attended and Work Credits initialed
  3. Applicate contacts 3 Voting Members to sponsor and initial the application
  4. Applicate contacts the Director of Safety and Training to initial the application
  5. Applicate attends BOD meeting for their recommendation and gets the Recording Secretary’s initial
  6. Applicate provides completed application at GM meeting for voting. (That GM meeting counts towards the required 4 meetings.)
  7. Recording Secretary records Yea or Nae Vote
  8. Membership Secretary records Access Card number
  9. Treasurer records building cert number(s) purchased.
  10. Membership Secretary updates membership rolls

Steps 1,2,3 and 5,6 required by Article IV Section 6 of Bylaws. Step 4 required by Article IV Section 5 of Bylaws.

In need of more assistance? Contact us: [email protected] or (302) 328-6836.

Additional Information

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